Version 1
1. August 2009.
0 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 5
by Bob Breach , 01. December, 2008

Emergency management plan checklist

by Bob Breach , 01. December, 2008

Preparation of a well documented and up to date emergency management plan is an essential component of an effective incident response framework. The structure and content can only be determined by each water supply taking account of a wide range of different local factors. However this document provides a checklist of those items which need......

Version 1
4. December 2017.
0 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 5
by World Health Organization (Regional Office for South-East Asia), 03. July, 2017

Operational Monitoring Plan Development: A guide to strengthening operational monitoring practices in small- to medium-sized water supplies

by World Health Organization (Regional Office for South-East Asia), 03. July, 2017

Practical guidance and training materials for small- and medium-sized water suppliers, and for those providing training and support to these suppliers, on strengthening operational monitoring practices – a core element of water safety planning. Training materials include a facilitator’s guide and PowerPoint slides....

Version 1
18. October 2017.
0 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 5
by WHO EURO, 18. October, 2017

Plan de gestion de la sécurité sanitaire de l’eau : un guide pratique pour l’amélioration de la sécurité sanitaire de l’eau potable dans les petites communautés

by WHO EURO, 18. October, 2017

Disposer d’eau potable de qualité acceptable et en suffisance est une condition préalable et essentielle à la bonne santé, au développement économique et à la durabilité des moyens de subsistance des familles des collectivités rurales. La mise en place d’un plan de gestion de la sécurité sanitaire de l’eau constitue l’approche la plus effi...

Version 1
11. September 2017.
0 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 5
by WHO, 11. September, 2017

Planifier la gestion de la sécurité sanitaire de l’eau pour l’approvisionnement en eau des petites communautés: Recommandations pour la gestion par étapes des risques liés à l’approvisionnement en eau potable des petites communautés

by WHO, 11. September, 2017

Les Directives de qualité pour l’eau de boisson de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé recommandent l’application d’une approche d’ensemble pour l’évaluation et la gestion des risques appelée «Plans de gestion de la sécurité sanitaire de l’eau» afin d’assurer de la façon la plus efficace la sécurité des appr...

Version 1
11. May 2016.
0 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 5
by WHO/IWA, 2009

Plans de gestion de la sécurité sanitaire de l’eau

by WHO/IWA, 2009

En 2004, les Directives de l’OMS pour la qualité de l’eau de boisson recommandaient que les fournisseurs d’eau potable développent et mettent en œuvre des plans de gestion de la sécurité sanitaire de l’eau (PGSSE) afin d’évaluer et de gérer systématiquement les risques. Ce manuel répond à cette recommandation en décri...

Version 1
4. December 2017.
0 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 5
by World Health Organization (Regional Office for South-East Asia), 17. July, 2017

Principles and Practices of Drinking-water Chlorination: A guide to strengthening chlorination practices in small- to medium-sized water supplies

by World Health Organization (Regional Office for South-East Asia), 17. July, 2017

Practical guidance and training materials for small- and medium-sized water supplies, and for those providing training and support to these suppliers, on strengthening chlorination practices – a common improvement need identified through the WSP process in the South-East Asia and Western Pacific regions. Training materials include a facilitator’s guide a...

Version 1
18. September 2018.
0 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 5
by WHO et al., 18. September, 2018

Strengthening operations & maintenance through water safety planning: A collection of case studies

by WHO et al., 18. September, 2018

This document presents case studies from lower and higher income settings around the world that highlight O&M benefits resulting from WSP implementation. These case studies contribute to a growing body of information on the outcomes of water safety planning and may be useful in building support for WSPs among water sector senior managers, operational sta...

Version 1
21. April 2016.
0 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 5
by WHO et al., 2009

Water safety plan manual

by WHO et al., 2009

Water safety plans (WSPs) are the most effective means of consistently ensuring the safety of a drinking water supply. This WSP manual describes how to develop and implement a WSP in clear and practical terms. Stepwise advice is provided through 11 learning modules, each representing a key step in the WSP development and implementation process....

Version 1
22. June 2017.
0 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 5
by ADB et al., 31. May, 2017

Water safety planning for urban water utilities: Practical guide for ADB staff

by ADB et al., 31. May, 2017

This handbook provides practical guidance on integrating the water safety plan (WSP) approach into ADB’s urban water projects to facilitate compliance with global good practices. Following the WHO’s Water Safety Plan Manual (2009), adapted to ADB’s operations, this handbook offers step-by-step guidance on developing and implementing a WSP, serving ...

Version 1
9. February 2023.
0 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 5
by WHO et al., 23. January, 2023

WSP Manual supplementary tool: Module 8 – general checklist for emergency preparedness

by WHO et al., 23. January, 2023

This tool is intended to support the practical application of the guidance presented in the Water safety plan manual: step-by-step risk management for drinking-water suppliers, second edition (WHO & IWA, 2023).  Refer to Module 8 in the manual for detailed guidance. To support preparedness for emergency responses and unforeseen events in accordance wit...

Version 1
11. May 2016.
0 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 5
by WHO/IWA, 2009

Руководство по разработке и реализации плана обеспечения безопасности воды

by WHO/IWA, 2009

В 2004 г. в опубликованном ВОЗ “Руководстве по обеспечению качества питьевой воды” поставщикам было рекомендовано разработать и осуществить планы обеспечения безопасности воды, чтобы можно б...